Don (UOOT) civilian. Fully completed yet Tambov (1UOM) military Gorelov (1UON) Tambov aviation sports club ROSTO
→ Size: 9 MB
→ Date: 15 years ago (01.12.2009 00:26)
→ Author: Дмитрий Соболев
→ Uploaded by: AN-24 (uploaded 4 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Lenya69
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 1934 time(s)
Жаль, что всё заглохло и для FSX, даже такого никто не сделает... SAA24, 10 years ago, #
Сцена неплохая, но что-то у меня с деревьями. По ходу в сцене не хватает каких-то текстур. nikola1982, 12 years ago, #
Not bad, at least better than nothing. One problem: in the perimeter of the white columns stand, as I understand it, the trees, but no texture, if not difficult to tell my decision! Evdokimov, 14 years ago, #
Уточню, не хватает летних текстур. nikola1982, 12 years ago, #
... about the realism will not ... sylvestr, 15 years ago, #
Beautifully. But the plane is hanging over the runway. How to fix? slyalikov, 15 years ago, #
In what port and what kind of aircraft? AN-24, 15 years ago, #
In the Don. Mi-2 from Nemetz. Above the stripe at a height of 10 meters. IMHO the difference in heights afkade and FSSC. Volunteer, 15 years ago, #
Horror! I MI latter to us not let them. This is a joke or bugs? Difference of heights is also not acceptable. Lying port normally. AN-24, 15 years ago, #
Afkad remove the old. And the spinner will land buhg68, 15 years ago, #
You're right. Don was in the "light script" Volunteer, 15 years ago, #
OK, thank you, look in the folders, is there an easy script. Most likely, there is. slyalikov, 15 years ago, #
Scenes turned out very well. The only hope, a good idea to remove the trees on the perimeter of the airfield, painfully pathetic they look, compared to default fsx-trees Vlad76, 15 years ago, #
and it is better to plant it should be. And the front of the terminal is the same buhg68, 15 years ago, #
What FSX trees?? it's like to devyatochki. pro100gamer, 15 years ago, #
Trees, all right ... and how to remove static and AN-2 Antonov An-24 from the scene Tambov (Don)? Mitch, 15 years ago, #
The script runs correctly in FSX, only the trees spoil the view Vlad76, 15 years ago, #
Regarding the trees agree that the textures for them is not important. But others do not. Before the terminal of course there are trees, but they are virtually the airfield is not visible. Only an extra burden for the script. Macros aircraft can be removed using FSSC (I can lay RїSЂRѕSЌRєS‚). But why? In Don AN-2 and AN-24 is present at these locations AN-24, 15 years ago, #
Trees are very good AG_Tree Volunteer, 15 years ago, #
for the fact that there are now similar to the real. But there is something more to work:) buhg68, 15 years ago, #
Apologize for the slip of the pen. But it is only to "cover". And at the expense of "1" or "X", then I do not know it is important or not AN-24, 15 years ago, #
Important. For it is said:​ai.cgi?b=1&;id=42; # 6 Barmaglot, 15 years ago, #
And what with the codes A / D is a distortion? XUOM and XUON difficult to write? Volunteer, 15 years ago, #
And Don - UUOT. Why hurry? Volunteer, 15 years ago, #