Ispravlennaya versiya aeroporta ORENBURG (Tsentralniy) na tekushiy moment.

Chto udalos sdelat, pofiksit nekotorie bagi, zamechennie polzovatelyami, i koe chto dobavit:

1.Nu vo-pervih, sdelal afkad,
2.Vo vtorih ispravleni bitmapi tekstur (v proshloy versii zabil pozhat ih, poetomu nabludalsya vilet
blizhnih tekstur).
3.Sdelana popitka sozdat fototerrayn v rayone aeroporta. No! Ya poka ne umeu delat terrayn s plavnim perehodom,
poetomu poka horosho viden perehod ot fototerrayna k defoltu.Tsvet terrayna- tozhe vizivaet somneniya. Terrayn podbiralsya pod chistiy
defolt, seychas postavil GE, teper tsvet ne podhodit.
4.Sdelana doroga k aeroportu. S fonaryami i razdelitelnoy polosoy. (fragment opyat zhe v rayone aeroporta).
5.Vodol dorogi sdelani dachi i posadki, kak oni i est v reale.
6.V nekotoroy mere popravleni modeli zdaniy, umensheno chislo poligonov, sdelani LODi.

K sozhaleniu, na danniy moment ne mogu sdelat VPP i perron v GMax t.k. net vremeni i opita sozdaniya VPP i perrona v Gmaxe.
Dalneyshee sovershenstvovanie porta na danniy moment zatrudneno v vvidu otsutstviya informatsii, fotografiy po tu storonu zabora.

Budu blagodaren ludyam, kotorie predostavyat fotomateriali po aeroportu!!!

Priyatnih polyotov i myagkih posadok!!!
Danniy stsenariy yavlyaetsya besplatnim, rasprostranenie ne ogranicheno.

Stepanov Mihail. [email protected]
→ Size: 21 MB
→ Date: 16 years ago (25.07.2008 19:10)
→ Author: Mihail Stepanov,=Maverick=
→ Uploaded by: Mihail Stepanov (uploaded 48 files )
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 7861 time(s)
We look forward to the script converted for airport Orenburg ))!!! skill_mihail, 14 years ago, #
Funny scene! ;) A grass around vokzalchika NARIC planted:) alshe, 14 years ago, #
Отличненько!! Спасибо! kondileon, 6 years ago, #
Синие огни на полосе на мой взгляд лишние, а в целом на отлично... Papik, 12 years ago, #
Many thanks! It has long been searching for! Author, do not stop)) Respect! And good luck!)) toxin_pilot, 14 years ago, #
Thanks, Mikhail! kizkoip, 14 years ago, #
For 10-ki suits, swing:) serg09, 15 years ago, #
I have strange files rwy_d_g3.bmp rwy_d_g3_lm.bmp in fs / texture was not .. just put them there? prjnik, 15 years ago, #
Hmm .. Now look in pure Sim, these files do not. You can not put. And if we assume it does not affect. Mihail Stepanov, 15 years ago, #
How long to wait for a new script with modifications? fokinr, 15 years ago, #
Once the photo ATB, hangar, dining, pozharki etc. immediately and will do! Mihail Stepanov, 15 years ago, #
Works for 5) but the fact that the default textures in the texture folder, should be replaced - this is not Good) DAR, 15 years ago, #
Why is not Good. This is optional, you can not change. Just asphalt more attractive to those textures. Soon a new version is expected scenario. With a smooth rolling in default terraynom large area and the other bun. In this version of the script has a bug: removed port is sensitive to the side. At the same time Fixed. Mihail Stepanov, 15 years ago, #
just get your textures appear in all default airports in the world) DAR, 15 years ago, #
So this is good :-) Mihail Stepanov, 15 years ago, #
Well, in my opinion, this choice should be left for the user, because there are some airports abroad, which followed the asphalt coating, and there do not know what the crack))) DAR, 15 years ago, #
Fly to you now for PT) Michael, thank you!) Raised spirits grandfather Lenin)) DAR, 15 years ago, #
small board, since the roads in Port raylne met afkadnymi rulezhkami, the Pushcha realism can remove the yellow separation and change in the asphalt concrete DAR, 15 years ago, #
Thank you! It is gratifying that the work was useful. Roads in the new scene will no longer be afkadnymi :-)) Mihail Stepanov, 15 years ago, #
Excellent script! Thank you, Michael! Gives a complete picture of the "Central". ZI Nesostykovochka with the default terraynom does not count, and how to fix:) Mig, 16 years ago, #
And your fototerrayn any other scenes, FSglobalmesh, for example, ultimaterrain no conflicts??? P HC. Curl / nso64, 16 years ago, #
... Carim, 16 years ago, #
Sposibochki. Works in 10 Sime. Voron777, 16 years ago, #
Thanks for a wonderful script! Ridmi not prevented, would I, for example, know where that pitch, but the newcomers? Oh, it is difficult to render assistance, even in our Koltsovo Sabac shall inspect strictly carry on the work fotik neprosto.Nadeyus that all necessary assistance will be okazana.Udachi vso scenario! ivan6664, 16 years ago, #
Thank you :-) It is a pleasure to fly even as the port, where in his childhood were the first flights :-) Genobium, 16 years ago, #