All previous versions/updates of UWGG Scenery are now in one package: the original UWGG 2006 scenery (patched), later updates and Nizhny Novgorod photo scenery. Please read carefully the installation instructions.
→ Size: 115 MB
→ Date: 16 years ago (07.06.2008 19:28)
→ Author: Antonio Totingue (et Cie)
→ License: License file included in archive
→ Downloaded: 15999 time(s)
Thank you for your work! Excellent! YoGUN, 15 years ago, #
Спасибо shar0504, 13 years ago, #
Thank you sponsors! It was good to see so many parts of the landscape of his native city. Well done! Денис Хомицкий, 16 years ago, #
Download, see Thank you. Question: In the old scenario, I ILS curve on one of the bands (not the course, led by the band). This only I am gifted or is it a common problem? How do I fix this? slyalikov, 16 years ago, #
Well done! A thrilling jump-colored apron rather trivial and does not require a scientific explanation of the business. This is due to the repair platform. The truth is we usually leave the edges smooth. In Gorky - has its own technology. Ветеран, 16 years ago, #
Прекрасная сцена, спасибо! вИтаЛя-76, 3 years ago, #
за труды! но у меня вот такая проблема на стоянках fokinr, 11 years ago, #
прошу прощения, не в ту степь написал))) fokinr, 11 years ago, #
понравилась сцена. но скажите, пожалуйста, почему в ней не отображаются ни статика, ни траффик, заявленные в архиве? где их взять? спасибо! Chekhomov, 12 years ago, #
Спасибо Lexat, 12 years ago, #
Этот аэропорт в жизни бы так смотрелся, как здесь! gorky-wings, 13 years ago, #
Молодцы! GOY, 13 years ago, #
/ RA-76842, 13 years ago, #
Cool! fsreal, 13 years ago, #
Enjoyed, but did not appreciate (Of course, five, and THANK YOU! Vladimir_76, 13 years ago, #
Well done! Artel295, 13 years ago, #
Excellent INTO can I say! Vodila_55, 14 years ago, #
Thank you for your work! It has long been using - Good scene! Kazachek, 14 years ago, #
And someone tried to put this scene in the 10th SIM? BAe-146, 14 years ago, #
Yes, everything is perfectly formulated and works (fototerreyn just horrible, an order of magnitude worse than defaulting to the low altitude, it is better not to), but somehow it does not disappear defaulted terminal building. If someone tells you what BGLku should be removed to clean the building defaulted, it would be great! :) ArtiomVIP, 14 years ago, #
Subscribe to the issue! Who decided? Tehnadzor, 13 years ago, #
I have more than the terminal and hangar (default) taxiing partitions off. If there is a solution podkinte! Тренер, 13 years ago, #
Сценарий/0701/сценарий, убрать файл ОВХ59120.bgl Тренер, 12 years ago, #
Excellent scene. штурмовик, 14 years ago, #
Thank you very much kroll, 14 years ago, #
Thank you for your hard work! bocman, 14 years ago, #
and it is normal that the installation folder is created in the texture addon scenery? prjnik, 15 years ago, #
And what about you? It is still not there ???????? You are probably the first addon for your Sim to install? tserg, 15 years ago, #
Ответ slyalikov'у: по-видимости, у тебя установлен сценарий CISils. Удали из него файл uwgg.bgl и будет тебе правильный ILS. Totingue, 16 years ago, #
Simply charm! brazilyg, 16 years ago, #
Many thanks! dinsoft, 15 years ago, #
Excellent! Thank you! Sasovopilot, 16 years ago, #
AAAA! I'm just in shock! This is a MEGA project, Thank you great! Already pump. Skydiver74, 16 years ago, #
Thank you for the enormous project! Viktorik, 16 years ago, #
Very nice! Thank you! Agava56, 16 years ago, #
Thank you for the gift-all cool. zoha, 16 years ago, #
I will not put ottsunku. For work (and work is great - no doubt) imagine, guys, put your top five ... let's diary, on), however, in the application list is an item on the static aircraft. To my surprise, no static aircraft in the scripts I have not been. Mystery? Everything is possible, but when you start again, again, none appeared. Continue. Is there be a fact in which the taxiway (near the port) with bright colors, all of a sudden, 10 meters, turns into a very dark, like asphalt, and then, as if nothing had happened, continued their bright color. Sorry that I can not explain all the scientific and business language. If it's not just my one, it seems interesting for the fact that work on the script with the now discontinued and will no longer be maintained. So, again, stated in the manual. Finish same office would like the words of this mother of the manual is already on this port: "good flight and soft landings in Nizhny Novgorod." Дорошко Сергей, 16 years ago, #
На самом деле на то время как сделали этот сценарий всё примерно так и выглядело.Не раз летал.Вообщем то и сейчас мало что изменилось.В 2012 году готовяться перестраивать терминалы.Я просто живу в Нижнем.А за сценарий огромное спасибо.Так что будем ждать новый аэропорт,после того,как построят новый. GOY, 13 years ago, #
Ogogo! AleksLush, 16 years ago, #
THANK YOU! UWGG, 16 years ago, #
Thank you for the stage, like! AirBoy1979, 16 years ago, #
and how is it run? Djangl, 16 years ago, #
Thank you! SandyNN, 15 years ago, #
sorry, not a theme, but are already beginning to podzae ** vat "zachotnye users for $ 2 with their mlyat AVATAR Pol PAGE ... avatars should be no more than 80 by 80 pixels! personally to brazilyg and zoha. From these ... taken??? RAID, 16 years ago, #
And you click on the button "support site, and learn from:))) tserg, 15 years ago, #