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Script small airfield Labinsk (URKV). Chernyshova express my deep gratitude to Sergey for the material.
→ Size: 456 KB
→ Date: 17 years ago (16.11.2007 11:41)
→ Author: Алексей "Volunteer" Вятчинов
→ Uploaded by: Volunteer (uploaded 46 files )
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 1555 time(s)
Just as perfect! Evdokimov, 17 years ago, #
I am happy. Generally airports in Krasnodar Krai is very positive for bushflainga. Ell_Dagros, 17 years ago, #
Quite so comfortable, a lot of scenarios in sim! It resembles the airfield of the films Athos the impression that there is now a police officer, and will require dokumenty.Tak to go! Only 5! ака БТ, 17 years ago, #
A beautiful, carefully executed script airport MVL.Spasibo Alex. PS I advise always to traffic - would be super! Sima, 17 years ago, #
Well done Skydiver74, 17 years ago, #
I think that the holiday would have to more vigorously "to address" Kurganinskom, Mosty and Psebaem. Laber, 17 years ago, #
And you can get the momentum!? The very rules-still fly disgusting. The panel also alter rus_den, 17 years ago, #
Alex you are always at a height! FAV112, 17 years ago, #
The panel samopalnaya, arrears. The dynamics of a set ... Volunteer, 17 years ago, #
question is not on a panel where Russified have if not a secret Gelmut, 17 years ago, #