The script was doing for myself, if anyone is interested you are welcome!
→ Size: 26 MB
→ Date: 14 years ago (27.12.2010 18:07)
→ Author: Станислав Николаев
→ Uploaded by: stasded (uploaded 11 files )
→ Approved by moderator: SLAVJAN
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 708 time(s)
Ah ...! Live in Leninogorsk (as usual so called)? Countryman then, although I am from St. Petersburg)) And you can all the same, only without the airfield? City Stadium, Sokol, a tower on Sokolki))) Damn! I was overwhelmed with emotion! PS And why should not mesh? I can throw - Ivanovo ridge Gromotushinskoe Gorge will be much simpotichney look! Philipp, 13 years ago, #
And the airport to this place and such a scale, of course, in Leninogorsk never did. There was once upon a time in the side of the ridge Ivanovsk for Hariuzovkoy like. Philipp, 13 years ago, #
And I liked it Cheranev, 14 years ago, #
Excellent scene, arrives ... diems, 14 years ago, #
Very:) navigator_nb, 14 years ago, #
Well done to the script why not put five =) An_Shaitan_24, 14 years ago, #
Here I have a nasty =) But do not deny it, the script is really very good. But here's the location of a small runway is a bit confusing. And since 5! Waiting for new works and good luck in future projects) Ил-86110, 14 years ago, #
Well you is difficult to disagree =), a small band really is a bit unfortunate An_Shaitan_24, 14 years ago, #
If not for this herd - would put 5, I'm not greedy, as smooth) Ил-86110, 14 years ago, #
Well. PS Lord, use Wikipedia! Ил-86110, 14 years ago, #
And he did there? I could not find on the map Vladimir_76, 14 years ago, # D0% A0% D0% B8% D0% B4% D0% B4% D0% B5% D1% 80 Ил-86110, 14 years ago, #
Yes, the city is, and the airport there, okay, let it be:) Vladimir_76, 14 years ago, #