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URME Sovetskoe
URMF Kalinovskaya
URMG Grozny
XRMG Grozny Khankala
→ Size: 649 KB
→ Date: 15 years ago (30.12.2009 03:28)
→ Author:
→ Uploaded by: Anta142 (uploaded 67 files )
→ Approved by moderator: SLAVJAN
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 2917 time(s)
Thank you, chelovechische ... Even flew where served as a homeland at the turn of the XXI century cptn1251, 13 years ago, #
Полетим к Кадырову в гости
Илья_Омск, 10 years ago, #
Two portraits on the terminal building smile:) Beckar, 13 years ago, #
Since marking strips everything is normal, but at the expense of textures of buildings, some still otsutstvuyut.No 5. Олейников, 14 years ago, #
I for some reason there are no textures of certain buildings in Kalinowski, Grozny and Khankala. And Shatoy missing textures landing marks on the runway Mitch, 15 years ago, #
Kalinovskaya, Grozny, and Khankala turned out well! But in Grozny, I can not see the runway. Another would do well to revive the ports of military traffic. Or put some on the edge of static vanes in the scene! Ramen, 15 years ago, #
WFP in Grozny corrected by deleting the files URMG easy scenarios. Ramen, 15 years ago, #
And when I removed all the files from URMG lekih scenarios band in Grozny began to pass through the hills. What do I do not know? Fima, 15 years ago, #
Fixed by changing the height of the band AFKADom to 541 ft Fima, 15 years ago, #