Spread because of this scenario is not possible to download it from Rusaviagold. About the author may be wrong. if wrong, to blame RyoSЃRїSЂR°RІR»SЋSЃSЊ) the main reason, a very good script is very good airport Hibiny. which unfortunately little flies. Here are just 2 weeks ago it became known that regular flights will not start until March .... sorry ....
→ Size: 15 MB
→ Date: 16 years ago (25.12.2008 12:15)
→ Author: Игорь Гончаров
→ Uploaded by: Joe91 (uploaded 1 files )
→ Approved by moderator: su-30
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 3564 time(s)
Отлично! Летал туда множество раз из Пулково ЛП1939/40 отличный порт, отличный персонал и отличный воздух) Frostwork, 8 years ago, #
Замечательный порт, отличный сценарий! Прозябать в небытие порт не будет. Теперь каждую неделю к вам с грузом на Ан-26Б из Пулков. Спасибо большое за сценарий! grey727, 10 years ago, #
Спасибо! Родной порт! Pah, 11 years ago, #
What is it Hibiny? This Kirovsk-Appatity. Airport Hibiny south. But the scene is also good. Mikha21RUS, 15 years ago, #
And north of Apatity. Mikha21RUS, 15 years ago, #
Rusaviagold alive. maddi, 16 years ago, #
Yes he does not die - we just have a sore throat loaded on your main work ... Igor Goncharov, 16 years ago, #
Thank you for having posted. Authors estimate for the scenario. VLAZ, 16 years ago, #
Young people well, flights will be on holidays. 9 of the past and continue to not be around until March. I'm sorry to say that I am sure TC in the Airport parents work))) and the flight of Peter was once a week at the Al-24 but only in the summer navigation . and in the winter North refused to drive Al-24 even in Moscow, a loss, but the main problem shas them to borrow. but when it tried and whistles. and Peter including.) Joe91, 16 years ago, #
I put this scene even 2 years ago. From the observed bugs - "washboard" on one of rulezhek. (Light the scene did not stooyat) By the way, until quite recently was the flight to St. Petersburg-Appatity whistle. DDim, 16 years ago, #
So now there is, at least in the SCC schedule is Russia) Sarcastic, 16 years ago, #
Put the script. Launched the symposium. Shows some zhut. Two bands, one napolzaet to another. In general, the full guard. Maybe it conflicts with something? Where to fix? Prompt, please! slyalikov, 16 years ago, #
It's simple. Perhaps you have a script Apatity an easy airport. Remove it and everything. This scene was created based on the data port, and are incompatible with scenes of light ports. Igor Goncharov, 16 years ago, #
Nordovskie An-24, Monday, Wednesday, Friday Demоn, 16 years ago, #
kakzhe not fly?! and AN-24, Moscow, SHRM-1 to 14.01.09 http://www.airkirovsk.ru/shedu​le/ ZOLTAR, 16 years ago, #