USSK | Rating: 5!
Beta Stage Uktus 2008 + fototerrayn I have to say, fototerrayn was made long ago. local airlines, airport, 20 km south-east of Yekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk), 5 km south of the airport Koltsovo, at a military airfield Aramil "(created in 1930). The classification number of the runway (PCN) 27/F/D/X/T. The airfield is capable of receiving aircraft Yak-42, An-12 Antonov-24, Yak-40 and more lightweight, as well as helicopters of all types. Park Airport in early 2010 consists of six types of aircraft - Antonov-2, Yak-40, AN-74, Pilatus PC-12, Mi-2, the Mi-8 [1]. 08/26 1803h40 m asphalt 08/26 1500h70 m soil
→ Size: 142 MB
→ Date: 14 years ago (15.12.2010 01:31)
→ Author: Z25Team
→ Uploaded by: paavo (uploaded 20 files )
→ Approved by moderator: SLAVJAN
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 3866 time(s)
da pancake, that the way to spread the evening and even night-screens? want to show how light is implemented? one way or another there would be a sufficient. but the script I personally do not give a clue. but with my 3G modem (just in our house, alas until another is not given), and limit traffic to download one knows that you do not want. If the forum is dedicated to the scenario thread, poke his nose, do not be offended. NCdancer, 14 years ago, #
Look at the number of downloads, and evaluation. Then decide. Scrin day there! paavo, 14 years ago, #
Evaluation of the majority and a matter of taste different things. And the answer: "No screenshots day!" is not the answer. I do not think that was so hard to rearrange time sime on the day and remove the shot. At least it would have been obvious, we could have an idea about the file, and besides, it takes much less time than creating a managed scenario. NCdancer, 14 years ago, #
I have not made specifically screens, just that these were! Besides suddenly screens would not show the whole beauty scene ... or vice versa would have been better ... It remains only to download and watch ... paavo, 14 years ago, #
It is a pity of course, that did not. Well God bless them. Not about to argue now is, when every third file avsime in the literal sense of the word "smear" (oknechno happens to work, but it happens and for good reason). Anyway thanks for a job. As soon as possible download and evaluate. NCdancer, 14 years ago, #
Thanks, will wait for estimates! paavo, 14 years ago, #
Itself does not praise, no praise ... Well done Paul! :))) paavo, 14 years ago, #
Paul well and give you ... !, Swings, night scene put the glossy and do not slow down with the estimate for earlier thanks to you! So often to please ... , For a good script size is no obstacle as long as traffic allows!. alex19620, 14 years ago, #
We hope that you enjoy. paavo, 14 years ago, #
but in another way and can not be) Ил-86110, 14 years ago, #
Are you talking about? paavo, 14 years ago, #
about their assessment) I should have a script to do, but do not possess the ability ... ( Ил-86110, 14 years ago, #
You watched the scene? paavo, 14 years ago, #
obyazaytno) Personally, I like Ил-86110, 14 years ago, #
. avianova225, 2 years ago, #
Твёрдая 5) даже, если Цветы Запоздалые)) Со сценарием от Aerosoft стыкуется на Ура, и никаких багов в процессе облёта территории не замечено ;) 10 километров - для бешеной собаки не крюк. В папке FT_USSS внезапно появился архив, думаю артефакты))) JetTime, 2 years ago, #
Ну если с аэрософтом нормально ,тоже поставлю ,попробую облетать))) avianova225, 2 years ago, #
Куда устанавливать через запуск exe?не подскажете? avianova225, 2 years ago, #
Это не установщик, а скорее распаковщик) я во временную папку распаковал, в Addon Scenery: фототеррейн сверху, Уктус посередине, а в самом низу USSS от Aerosoft JetTime, 2 years ago, #
Для бэта версии. К указанным недочетам добавлю что текстуры впп и перрона в фс получились размытыми. При сете текстур 1024х1024) можно создать намного качественные реалистичные текстуры(или заимствовать таковые из др сцен). Замечены 2-а затекстуренных нижних полигона у модели. Качество фототеррайна для меня приемлиемо, но есть резкая граница перехода м- у лк и фототеррайном. Непонятны созднанные "балконы" с одной стороны модели жилого здания(с др стороны "балконы" на текстуре), зачем они сделаны? Понравилось значение фпс(на пк с мин конфигурацией для фс2004(3.06, 256х256,1024)). Значение составляет... 45- 50 единиц. Такое большое значение фпс редкость. Эта сцена думаю хорошая альтернатива тем кто по каким либо причинам не хочет покупать и устанавливать платный сценарий сценарий ап Кольцово(г. Екатеринбург), соседнего с Уктусским ап. Уважительно благодарю разработчиков сценария. Искренне желаю Вам дальнейших успехов. UR67393, 12 years ago, #
Thank you very much to the authors, the scene super5 ++++++++++ kroll, 13 years ago, #
Thank you! Mihail Stepanov, 14 years ago, #
You've just downloaded?? paavo, 14 years ago, #
Long ago downloaded and placed, flew. But thanks to you I must say :-)) Mihail Stepanov, 14 years ago, #
uraaaaaaaaaaaa! Been waiting for! ATP kachaems ... roof3d, 14 years ago, #
Please! Happy, what with Uktus started flying collars in VATSIMe! paavo, 14 years ago, #
Well, what do you the most important thing is not said in comments to the file? After Uktus - a place where airshow held in Yekaterinburg. Here's a video just the beauty of flight at low altitude:​=uPa3xIgBTq8 and here's another​=uOUH7oJu8l0 and here http://www / watch? v = vbpCv683hTU I would also like to note that I have since run the installer in the addon folder sceners been born USSS_FT. In the new folder sceners and texture, as well as another file, where the second time are the same folder. That is in the installer seems to contain twice the same file. So installyashku can safely be done in 2 times less weighty tserg, 14 years ago, #
Well done! "), But little desire for the future. I wish that all the textures (at least those with functional alpha) were from mipmepami. PS Tip for those who, for whatever reason do not want to use fototerrayn. Just unplug USSS_FT folder in the library script Sim, and make sure to move the file from the folder FILLS_UKTUS_LWM2.BGL USSS_FT / scenery folder USSK - Uktus / scenery of course this Autogen approached close to the band and default road will be in the wrong place) DAR, 14 years ago, #
1) Why mipmaps? And what is the functional alpha? 2) By the way, if at this stage to remove fototerrayn, the scene would not the same:) For the apron and runways are made with transparency ... paavo, 14 years ago, #
mipmaps help to increase FPS Functional alpha - the alpha, which acts as a transparency (trees, markings, etc.) It happens more alfakanal for that to non-transparent textures do not mylilis, just point at the pixel in all the textures added. DAR, 14 years ago, #
Now, clearly. There are proposals which the texture is better zamipmapit? paavo, 14 years ago, #
I have a buggy parking uktus_park.bmp file and some more, that created the theme, there is a screen​c/111006-chyornaya-alfa-zavisi​most-ot-zheleza/page__gopid__1​673813 # entry1673813 DAR, 14 years ago, #
and file uktus_radius.bmp DAR, 14 years ago, #
Many thanks for your work. moskit, 14 years ago, #
Best thanks to a flight in vatsime in our Ural region. Surprised that already three sides flew to Uktus. So what are waiting! paavo, 14 years ago, #
Thank you! S.O.F_Fanat, 14 years ago, #
Please. paavo, 14 years ago, #
was looking for:) Ту154М 85123, 14 years ago, #
Pasch, taxied in icq, the question is Ту154М 85123, 14 years ago, #
Paul flew here and apologize for the low score then there are five! I liked it and the amount I was nor how many are not afraid do not skimp on beauty and on the volume of the script, but then I teach professionals!, Thank you and your team!. alex19620, 14 years ago, #
Thank you for such words. corrected terrayn paavo, 14 years ago, #
Thank you very much and for terrayn!, Shake! . Good luck with your work on the script for us Seamer!. Fototerrayn Chelyabinsk!? Expected here still waiting for good news!. alex19620, 14 years ago, #
I think soon will finish. Not one I'm doing. I have a question you asked in a personal way. paavo, 14 years ago, #
Been waiting for ... Thank you! Trancefer, 14 years ago, #
You're welcome! paavo, 14 years ago, #
Thank you! The scene at the summit! Sir-j, 14 years ago, #
Wonderful script! Thank you, all the best to you! For 2 Sverdlovsk AP chasing regularly on the Yak-40!) goaley, 14 years ago, #
Very nice script, but one very big minus. Team Z25TEAM released for a short time a few scenarios that can not fail to please, but these are the measures themselves scenarios does not justify them in any way. 145 megabytes. This is not gud. Fotopodlozhka, autogen. But the measure must know. B_BOY_MIG, 14 years ago, #
A lot of weight because of fototerrayna. Soon vydet fototerrayn Chelyabinsk, he weighs 250MB paavo, 14 years ago, #
File size is directly proportional to the square made fototerraynom. IMHO the more this area is, the better, provided that it would be placed autogen on this whole area, and the lake water will be made by polygons. As, incidentally, is made from the headquarters. And the size of the file, I scored big-big bolt. Thanks Paul! If someone took the trouble to do all Rushka fototerraynom (fiction, of course) and this will require a second hard drive, I would agree :-))) Mihail Stepanov, 14 years ago, # corrected terrayn paavo, 14 years ago, #
Great scene thanks to Pasha !!!!!!!!!!!!!! prada76, 14 years ago, #
Do not hurry, take a look first ... paavo, 14 years ago, #
Thank swing diems, 14 years ago, #