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Scenario Airport Pechora, beta version.
→ Size: 68 MB
→ Date: 14 years ago (25.07.2010 20:17)
→ Author:
→ Uploaded by: aniter (uploaded 6 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Usachev Pavel
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
→ Downloaded: 3787 time(s)
The scene here for two months - and where I was before that! Super! Igor, bravo keep it up! Give the other ports Komi! bazis, 14 years ago, #
...у меня установлено почти 700 сцен в FS9, но искривленной, "горбатой" впп не припомню ни в одном из них! хотя, в реале полоса Архангельска такая же, почти, чуть ниже наклон. Но, передать сие действие в игре, исключая икс плэйн, начиная с шестерки, где горбатость есть у всех полос. Особенности симулятора. Но, в любимой девятке, увидеть и ощутить... только 5+. Жаль только, что многие сценарии, таких портов как Талаги, Пулково, Домодедово... даже платные, никогда не будут на уровне Печоры. JetTime, 4 years ago, #
...и оно Вам надо? 700? ...полоса есть(!!!), зачем смотреть на сараи(которые не так важны) ~Anonymous~, 4 years ago, #
А как же Лукла? У Вас её нет? Я делал для себя полосу, не горбатую, а наклонную для девятки. И ещё "круговую" профилированную по крену. В принципе не сложно, при имеющихся "сценостроительных" инструментах. Трафик только не корректно ездит на таких полосах. А так для онлайновых сцен можно строить. Mikha21RUS, 4 years ago, #
Great scene. Thank you. gorg61, 14 years ago, #
Wow! - Almost missed this gift - thanks to author! zh03, 14 years ago, #
Crashes when loading port. ? Rulexy, 14 years ago, #
files bmp, agn on 11.07.2010 in scenery / world / texture is? aniter, 14 years ago, #
Found no such file. Where can I get? Rulexy, 14 years ago, #
bmp files with the extension and agn in the archive folder scenery / world / texture folder is copied in the same sim. aniter, 14 years ago, #
Вы просто талантливые люди! Речная часть города, Печорский проспект и Западная/47 (без неё- никак), а также родная ВПП с горбинкой!!!- ОТЛИЧНО urubi, 2 years ago, #
Но установил в виртуальную машину(которых у меня много и этот сценарий я удалю вместе с симулятором), для каждого самолета свой сим ~Anonymous~, 4 years ago, #
Таки скачал, установил, полетал... Очень хорошо ~Anonymous~, 4 years ago, #
Спасибо за Красивый порт! jeni, 4 years ago, #
Very good))) Edinstvnnoe in texture folder for traff (ship) was not textures themselves ... To this mean? Горизонт, 14 years ago, #
. koguch, 14 years ago, #
With heart made, thanks! DIREKTOR, 14 years ago, #
Wonderful script! Thank you UEMJ, 14 years ago, #
Igor! Thank you very much - the port is great! jess_76, 14 years ago, #
Class! elektron66, 14 years ago, #
Thank you! Almost the entire country is) Tu-134A-3, 14 years ago, #
Even a native port of the Republic! Thank you :) kbbb, 14 years ago, #
Hooray! Another one of the ports of the north, where I love to fly! Thank you very much! Marque, 14 years ago, #
Only in this way! A city like this! "How could train ezdyuyuschy for the ends, once the boat is .... zolotoyWW, 14 years ago, #
Gorgeous! I bow to the author! Ravnmm, 14 years ago, #
Yes, really surprised again! Brokeback WFP - Dream Seamer! After take-off from a landing strip and is already bored to fly on other "flat" runway. Make your camera on the opposite end with the landing and the plane completely disappears, and the mileage slowly surfacing because of the hump. Obaldet! Only in this can easily put five! Aerosoft also knows how to do oblique, but only taxiing. In Lukla, Courchevel, and a couple of mountain aerodromchikov sloping runway is no longer seen. Thank you for the excellent work. Now, I hope more and WFP dissimilar. bisley, 14 years ago, #
Well, no words, even the emotions are exhausted! I29041, 14 years ago, #
Countrymen always put 5ki) sanyokk, 14 years ago, #
Nice to see native ports. Beryozovka dumaesh not do? It would be a full-fledged airfield. ARCHIBUS76, 14 years ago, #
afkad on satellite can be aniter, 14 years ago, #
Thanks! stskea 5 + Sir-j, 14 years ago, #
With great pleasure we circled around the port, the rotary! Be sure to lie down in online. Throttle, 14 years ago, #
Very nice script, thanks! Especially liked "Brokeback" band, perfectly done. disp-nrsk, 14 years ago, #
Tell you how afkad to fly off-line to correct, and that traffic work correctly? Сокол, 14 years ago, #
traffic due to the drop height will not work correctly, which could in afkade done something. aniter, 14 years ago, #
Can someone from the "m afkadostroeniya" will help solve this problem ... disp-nrsk, 14 years ago, #
Beautiful! Karadag, 14 years ago, #
I have to afkadom-tone that is, excess above sea level spelled incorrectly hike. Сокол, 14 years ago, #
It remains to be done Ukhta and Vorkuta to be completely happy! serembon, 14 years ago, #
Vorkuta is like there. Сокол, 14 years ago, #
Exactly =) And how I miss her) serembon, 14 years ago, #
Ukhta, another one, but there is no traffic on the Komi Republic, that's bad. AN24PB, 14 years ago, #
But Ukhta I have only a "light scenarios. Сокол, 14 years ago, #
hmm well no ilsov in real or what? serembon, 14 years ago, #
Well if you believe schemes, and why they are there. I am now worried ka afkad for traffic to adjust, and then because of the crooked strip does not work in strip afkade prescribe. Сокол, 14 years ago, #
There Ukhta well very "raw" version, prepared by 50 percent, although it is already flyable ... sanyokk, 14 years ago, #
We'll wait. Сокол, 14 years ago, #
Super! ArtAir, 14 years ago, #
Thank you, to fly home buddy kirill_hm, 14 years ago, #
Thank you very much! Lived and worked in this city, very nice see virtual Pechora. Damien3000, 14 years ago, #
Hometown, lived near ul.Chehova Here's a video 60 years Pechora Aviation​14274321/_myvideo/1.html aniter, 14 years ago, #
Excellent script Rotor83, 14 years ago, #
thanks for the scene. tanker work, she meets! Special thanks for using my work. very nice. komal_brn, 14 years ago, #
Thank igo19, 14 years ago, #
I like Komi! AN24PB, 14 years ago, #
I live in the Komi Republic))) sanyokk, 14 years ago, #
Always lived and will live in the Komi!))) AN24PB, 14 years ago, #
Just perfect for a beta, wait for release! Stakan, 14 years ago, #