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V dannom pakete predstavlena versiya beta_2 aerodroma dalney razvedivatelnoy i protivolodochnoy aviatsii Severnogo Flota Kipelovo, dlya Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004.
→ Size: 10 MB
→ Date: 16 years ago (23.08.2008 17:56)
→ Author: Черкасов Константин aka Kostas68
→ Uploaded by: Kostas68 (uploaded 7 files )
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 3726 time(s)
. JetTime, 2 years ago, #
Спасибо Вам! Твердая ПЯТЬ! Всё проработано великолепно! А где можно взять текстуру самолёта с 1го скрина? BPSN, 11 years ago, #
В архиве в папке Сценери есть БГЛки КТ1,2,3 и тд и М1,2,3 итд Что с ними делать и для чего они нужны? Составлять флайтпланы? Поясните,пожалуйста! BPSN, 9 years ago, #
Thank you very much, he served in ODRAPe.No such bad luck has moved traffic at Lahti, do not include sim.Zastavka sticks and all. Starik2009, 15 years ago, #
Let's send extreme cores Kipelov by squadrons. :) If you need to write in lichku. Kostas68, 15 years ago, #
JUST fantastic scene she inexplicably attracted to, Sbolshim pleasure to fly with the traffic on the Tu-142 Tu-143 AD at SMU PG Samborskogo a zone in a circle, 5-7 on the flight in den.Vot if I find the real plans poletov.Aerodromu 5 ++++++ ILAVIA, 15 years ago, #
Не хочу быть археологом, но при всё желании, Вы на Ту-143 не сможете летать. Нет, оно конечно можно, в качестве БЧ, но не более. Ту-143-это советский БПЛА "Рейс". grey160, 2 years ago, #
посмеялся от души: в качестве БЧ - Боеголоовка (Боевая головка, Боевая часть [БЧ] да, попутал человек одну цифру, с кем не бывает.​originalnie-samoleti-40/tu-95m​s-i-tu-142m-16084.html JetTime, 2 years ago, #
No words just! SUPER! PunCom, 16 years ago, #
Excellent, thank you very much! Sasovopilot, 16 years ago, #
Otlichno.Odin a full military airfields sima. Saprosha, 16 years ago, #
Excellent! петр, 16 years ago, #
Thank you! All excellent! To ssv73: Yes-and-a-a ... ridmi What we do not know:) It is sometimes necessary to read. ivan6664, 16 years ago, #
And that is why there appears Tu-95ms, not Tu-142? And so all is well. ssv73, 16 years ago, #
Thank you very much. It must be! Александр Коннов, 16 years ago, #
Thank you for your scene! Well done post. This site is already a version Kipelovo, if not mistaken, you, too. But. In the version more like what in the ramp, but no garrison. And in this there is a garrison, but on the ramp as pustovato. Could these two versions of the passion? Mihail Stepanov, 16 years ago, #
Thank you! Very useful addon! As part of the performance let say pros in this area. If you have "vylizannee" will become even less FPS "eat" will be, the only welcome, Thank you once again! Good luck in the future! nso64, 16 years ago, #
Kostya, thanks! The long-awaited! Eh. Now would be a further Tu-142 to the ... golos, 16 years ago, #
Thank you! Of course - excellent! Димсон, 16 years ago, #