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This archive presented terrayn areas of the city of Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk, Novodvinsk, and the river Northern Dvina from Novdvinska to the White Sea.
→ Size: 1 MB
→ Date: 15 years ago (05.02.2009 17:23)
→ Author: Kanashev Ilya (Storm)
→ Uploaded by: Storm (uploaded 15 files )
→ Approved by moderator: AirArt
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 3369 time(s)
approaches now zavarazhivayut, so if the power to fly with real weather long nasladishsya they have not yet ... ми8т, 15 years ago, #
The perfect addendum to the scenario of Arkhangelsk, the truth of the urban waterfront went under water. Муха, 15 years ago, #
What exactly went under the water? Preferably screen. Check is not whether the addition terrayna that thread yet. Check whether the script in the folder, Scenery, and whether you are prescribed it to Sime? Propose to discuss all the details on the forum in this branch:​x.php?showtopic=20982&;st=1020 Storm, 15 years ago, #
ochumet! Thank you! kdv, 15 years ago, #
Ilya, super ... can zaymeshsya neighbors .... Kola Peninsula), you is not bad poluchaetsya.Chasto fly ULMM-ULAA, would very much like to see a home space ... dacool, 15 years ago, #
I would Arkhangelsk Talagi to finish, not something that other places do. It is not difficult, try;)! All the instructions and the program is in nete, at a forum stsenostroiteley. Home and want to start, and then everything goes itself. Storm, 15 years ago, #
Errors like no ))))) Ziron, 15 years ago, #
Tper all became like a real! Afigenno! THANK YOU! 5 + Artey, 15 years ago, #
It looks perfect! Jethawk, 15 years ago, #
Great job! Anton789, 15 years ago, #
Attention! For those who sets the Arkhangelsk Terrain v1.0 with my scenario, the airport Talagi remove the script from the airport Talagi files: HL000 HP000 RD000 RR958090 RR000 ST000 UT000 and AP000, if you have not been removed before! Storm, 15 years ago, #
And what should be a higher priority? Dimka, 15 years ago, #
If you delete these files from the script, then no difference. But just in case terrayn better to put higher priority than the airport. Storm, 15 years ago, #
Thank you! Nikolay_Sukhikh, 15 years ago, #