Very easy script Burundai airport, not far from Almaty. ID BXJ taken from the Internet, does not really know.
→ Size: 182 KB
→ Date: 17 years ago (17.07.2007 17:15)
→ Author: Rulexy
→ Uploaded by: Rulexy (uploaded 53 files )
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 1245 time(s)
From Alma-Atintsa:) zzzSnakezzz, 14 years ago, #
And I was there the practice took place one day) TransFlyer, 15 years ago, #
UAAR clear to me he did not think there is where you need to Google RedFox, 15 years ago, #
Thank you, Alex, for the creation of what might not appear at all! ALEXey8973, 17 years ago, #
krasava this is cool, brother ... astuk777, 17 years ago, #
All Super .... right in the hometown .... cool ... tu RULEXY: You're probably from Almaty .... Ulan_from_ata, 17 years ago, #
Spasobo bolshoe, a ICAO code: UAAR flyed, 17 years ago, #
It is not shook, but I served there! КурсМП, 17 years ago, #