The final version includes all previous updates and additions, plus landklass for FTX ORBX GLOBAL
In the scenario used by custom building of "Domodedovo (UUDD) 2011 Scenery"
http://www.avsim.su/f/fsx-scenarii-83/domodedovo-uudd-2011-scenery-49397.html AUTHORS: Alexander Romanov aka JAR, HAMELION, Mozila, Andrew Goldenberg
Landklass for FTX ORBX GLOBAL, for the "default" World of textures and homemade package "ORBX Glodal".
Small correction textures of the main terminal
New trees
Additionally AFCAD for online operations with the starting positions are not on the strip.
Glass mirror effect of the main terminal, transparent glass boarding bridges
Volumetric light effect lighting poles
Position of the port of the exact coordinates (author "addcrew" + correctness "RVV1973")
Change of seasons in the vegetation in the script, a simple system of this action.