Two ten-days daily sets, so that the days are not similar. Textures that is configured for use in the Installer textures from rdart78, but can be easily installed by simply replacing the files from folder "FULLSET" in the folder "Texture" simulator with advanced creation of its backup.
Are available preset for use in Prepar Tweak Assistant.
Description features set and the contents of the folder - "Description" in the text file.
Link to the installer:
→ Size:
4 MB
→ Date:
7 years ago (08.04.2017 09:27)
→ License:
Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded:
5036 time(s)
Если используется программа динамической смены текстур ASCA, то нужно разбить набор посуточно согласно мануалу программы или воспользоваться готовыми решениями: − apxeonmepukc, 7 years ago, #
К чему лишние слова, кроме " Спасибо Вам".? − Mishkann, 7 years ago, #