УДАЛИТЬ файл OBX66100.bgl из FSX/scenery/0801/scenery!!!...а не APX66100.
− approved,
12 years ago,
So when the script appear 6-7 good! iogda and put fsx
− Marsak,
14 years ago,
without evaluation, as not optimized scribe, in vain kachal.Veshaet PC okuet, although aerosoftovkih scenes minimmum 18 frames issues, but here to see prices .... Yes even the black and the texture on obektah.Obektivno-2.
− tehnolog,
14 years ago,
Confirm! Zalocheno 45, in default of 43.8 in Khanty 1915! This is a complete pipets.
− HardFighter,
14 years ago,
Cool I would like to Vladivostok (Knevichi) and then all is something we have forgotten.
− PpKxcE,
14 years ago,
Thanks to the author and sender!
− jonny247,
14 years ago,
Frankly speaking, I've got dozens and no. just seems to me that if it was a version of the top ten, it uv.Digital vylozhl to its own
− kirill_hm,
14 years ago,
yasnenko, I have both sim stand 9ka most heaped))), and a great script and works fine.
− jonny247,
14 years ago,
Бешено садит ФПС! В хитроу 30, а тут 8-9! Шлачина!
− Den86,
10 years ago,
Moderators ay, laid out a scenario without the consent of the author!
− Evgen01,
14 years ago,
What's this? To the rear point lizhem or to whom pontuemsya? Author and well below the already written about it. What a show? I understand if warez and can notify the posted yet nobody fresher.
− ekha,
14 years ago,
My God .. bawling like something. but I bet he downloaded ... ;)
− goaley,
14 years ago,
Written by my friend, and I know what effort was worth the creation of this scene
− Evgen01,
14 years ago,
Well, that's okay, I apologize. Although the author's already said this.
− ekha,
14 years ago,
better under the new Gelendzhik top 10 do!
− Эрник,
14 years ago,
Надо быть "гением", чтобы не суметь поставить простую модель в сим. Все приборы там есть.
Надо быть вдвойне "гением", чтобы зачем-то ставить модель пятнадцатилетней давности.
Так что известная субстанция здесь только тот, кто про неё и написал. :-D