This archive is a single file containing the departure and approach procedures for 6188 airports. ( 31418 - SID / 21614 - STAR). For installation, you must copy the file Procs.ftd in to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004/FeelThere/NavData. Before replacing i recommend making a copy of the original version.
This file was created using the programming language C #, by reading a diffrent SID / STAR database, and written back in to a format that is used by the FMC from Feel There Wilco CRJ 200/700/900.
Remark. When you open the ARR page of the FMC, then on the right side of the CDU display , instead of displaying the names of the runway strange names can be shown . The reason is still unknown, however i find this "bug" not so importans since the FMC does not interact with the selection of the arrival runways what so ever.
And to add, this is my first upload, and im not quite sure if onyone else except me needs such updates, so i ask you to give comments about the need for future uploads of next data cycles.