Southern Federal District Krasnodar territory

UR07 Temryuk Golubitskaya
URKA Anapa Vityazevo
URKB Aibga
URKC Shirochanka Komsomolech
URKD Medvedovskaya
URKF Elizavetinskaya
URKI Novovelichkovskaya Osechki
URKJ Staromyshastovskaya
URKL Psebai
URKN Novodmitriyevskaya
URKQ Rodnikovskaya
URKR Armavir Centralny
URKT Tihorechk
URKV Varenikovskaya
URKX Novomyshastovskaya
URKY Kurchanskaya
URS1 Sochi Adler_vert
URS3 Sochi Bocharov ruchey
URS4 Sochi Krasnaya Poliana Kanatka
URSA Tuapse Agoy
URSB Petrovskaya
URSC Sovkhoznyy
URSE Trudobelikovskiy Oktyabrskiy
URSF Trudobelikovskiy Krasnopolskiy
URSJ Slavyansk-na-Kubani
URSK Krasnay Polyna
URSL Lazarevskoe
URSM Mingrelskaya
URSN Abinsk
URSO Trudobelikovskiy Oktyabrskiy-1
URSP Poltavskaya
URSQ Kamyshevatskaya
URSR Petrovskaya Neshadimovskiy
URST Troitskaya
URSU Borodinskay
XRKA Andreevskaya Andreevsky poligon
XRKP Primorsko-Akhtarsk Svobodniy
XRKR Armavir Baranovka
XRKW Krymsk
XRRD Kuschevskaya
→ Size: 10 MB
→ Date: 14 years ago (17.03.2010 07:01)
→ Author:
→ Uploaded by: Anta142 (uploaded 67 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Lenya69
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 5725 time(s)
Thanks to the author !!!!! Here is a proposal to create a single package that you reinstall the sim, alas, inevitable, could be your scene "charge" one motion myha! And let it be hundreds of megs. We are already on the Giga swing scenario. Let it be a file folder comprising the regions and sub-folders on the AP. That for such work put "monuments" shit simmerov. And then, Kazakhstan, in seven parts, etc. Zaputyvaeshsya at the moment, a pancake! With HC. the author and with profound gratitude. Surl / nso64, 14 years ago, #
I support! Sanovich, 14 years ago, #
Yes it is true, but I realized that the shared folder does not make sense, because Kazakhstan has long been made in the general archive, well, but it is clear that it is inappropriately Anta142, 14 years ago, #
Why URKE hurt? Vad, 14 years ago, #
А на десятку встанет? Это же целый Краснодарский округ!
Беня гад! уничтожил столько авиации! И Горбач сволочь!
Strannik200, 6 years ago, #
Хорошая работа, приятно такое видеть, сразу одним куском устанавливать. Чтобы не качать каждый аэродром отдельно. Зафигачили бы так всю Россию, вообще шикарно было бы. IAA10051990, 8 years ago, #
Ну так зафигачте! В чем проблема??? Практически вся Россия уже имеется! Соберите все во-едино. Только вопрос: Кому еще, кроме Вас одного, это нужно? Vikfis, 8 years ago, #
Ну,например мне. rustrucker75, 8 years ago, #
А код аэродрома Славянск-на-Кубани точный? Пилотчик, 12 years ago, #
Сложновато ставится, и если есть сценарии Анапы и Сочи уже установленные - нужно их отключить/удалить и после установки данного сценария опять установить/подключить, иначе были замечены артефакты. Сам сценарий неплохой. garmash, 12 years ago, #
put the top five, but I have some reason Anapa under structure of the earth. No other scenes of Anapa in my Sim is not worth it. all other aorodromy like a normal destin, 14 years ago, #
The only thing that is strange, Anapa can not accept this scenario, collars the size of the Tu-154. But IRL takes. Elliond, 14 years ago, #
For Varenikovskaya primarily thanks! Spielberg, 14 years ago, #
PS Golubickaja not Golubidskaya. :) Spielberg, 14 years ago, #
Just a comment, an airfield which is made as URKV-Varenikovskaya actually airfield Adagum. Aerodrome Varenikovskaya 15 km north-west. And I was delighted, thinking and truth Varenikovku done. :) Spielberg, 14 years ago, #
Definitely 5! Although Tikhoretsk Most of the objects do not correspond to the reality! Well nebylo at the airport 5-storey houses! SamosA, 14 years ago, #
Thank you! A Novorosiyskogo airfield there ??????? HARBINGER LETCIK, 14 years ago, #
Was. In my opinion, there was only a helipad. Ру19300, 14 years ago, #
I have some reason in Anapa no stripes. What I did wrong? Rulexy, 14 years ago, #
Of course read and did as written, but the band did not appear. Rulexy, 14 years ago, #
I do the same thing. All done on the instructions aka readme.txt. And strip can be seen from a certain height, and during the landing she disappears. Also when creating a flight Anapa-existent, is only URKA ... Of course, I suspect it has something to do with previous versions URKA, two found deleted - does not help ... Sas72, 14 years ago, #
I have the same problem. RedDoll, 14 years ago, #
We put in AFKADe height of 174 feet of the port and it will work. Rulexy, 14 years ago, #
Thank you! Titan, 14 years ago, #
Thank you! VVD54, 14 years ago, #
The question of the author, not against the use of certain afkadov for a package of scenes of the Krasnodar Territory in 2010 from the Mil? HAMELION, 14 years ago, #
And traffic is what some local airlines? sergey5993, 14 years ago, #
Thank you! Vladimir_76, 14 years ago, #
Simply chic! ARCHIBUS76, 14 years ago, #
5 Sanovich, 14 years ago, #
Thank you! sims, 14 years ago, #
Definitely 5 +. There is a question probably not XRRD KuChevskaya and Kushchevskaya? spectr, 14 years ago, #
Kushchevskaya clearly. Yohnny, 14 years ago, #
super!! thanks)) ty134, 14 years ago, #
Special thanks to Anapa nio, 14 years ago, #