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Yeysk city, southwestern Russia?It was founded as a port in 1848 on the southern side of Taganrog Gulf of the Sea of Azov. Fishing and associated industries (fish canning) are important; other industries include agricultural processing. The city is a noted health resort, famed for its medicinal sulfur and mud baths.

Yeysk — training airfield Russian Naval Aviation, located in the Yeysk city. ICAO code airfield – URKE/XRKE.

The airfield is intended: for flights according to the combat training plan, transport aviation flights, scheduled flights and flights to perform aviation work of civil aviation aircraft. For civil aviation aircraft, it is a reserve airfield during daylight hours. Types of serviced (operated) aircraft and their modifications: An-26, An-72, An-140, Be-200, Il-38, L-39, Tu-134, Tu-154 and other. All types of helicopters, acceptance of single IL-62, Tu-160 by agreement.

❗In the archive there is user_nav.dat, in which the far and near NDB (RWY26: 687; 335. RWY26 688, 336), ILS system (075/111.1; 255/111.3).

❗Version for XP12. Folder for adaptation XP11 inside.
→ Filename:
→ Date: 6 months ago (03.06.2024 13:31)
→ Author: avibix, strelez
→ Uploaded by: avibix (uploaded 5 files )
→ Approved by moderator: U-HCK
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution

URKE Yeysk /File Link/ | Rating: 5!
Yeysk city, southwestern Russia?It was founded as a port in 1848 on the southern side of Taganrog Gulf of the Sea of Azov. Fishing and associated industries (fish canning) are important; other industries include agricultural processing. The city is a noted health resort, famed for its medicinal sulfur and mud baths.

Yeysk — training airfield Russian Naval Aviation, located in the Yeysk city. ICAO code airfield – URKE/XRKE.
The airfield is intended: for flights according to the combat training plan, transport aviation flights, scheduled flights and flights to perform aviation work of civil aviation aircraft. For civil aviation aircraft, it is a reserve airfield during daylight hours. Types of serviced (operated) aircraft and their modifications: An-26, An-72, An-140, Be-200, Il-38, L-39, Tu-134, Tu-154 and other. All types of helicopters, acceptance of single IL-62, Tu-160 by agreement.

❗In the archive there is user_nav.dat, in which the far and near NDB (687; 335), ILS system (075/111.1; 255/111.3).
❗Version for XP12. Folder for adaptation XP11 inside.
→ Filename:
→ Date: 11 months ago (07.12.2023 13:04)
→ Author: avibix, strelez
→ Uploaded by: avibix (uploaded 5 files )
→ Approved by moderator: U-HCK
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution

Airfields and helipads of the Berezovsky district and
Helipads along the gas pipelines of Beloyarsky, Oktyabrsky and Berezovsky districts
Map of sites in the archive with the script.
→ Filename:
→ Date: 1 year ago (05.10.2023 07:26)
→ Author: Кирилл Рудавин, Сергей Булыгин
→ Uploaded by: IBR (uploaded 23 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Aleck
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution

Только для X-plane 12!
В X-plane 11 работать не будет!
→ Filename:
→ Date: 1 year ago (26.05.2023 22:32)
→ Author: ProjectOblivion
→ Uploaded by: ProjectOblivion (uploaded 11 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Ляпучка
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute

Hi all!

Do you like Crimea the way I like it? Welcome to the easternmost city of Crimea - Kerch. It was founded by the ancient Greeks, whose architectural legacy still marks the streets and squares. The first settlement sprung up here in 610-590 BC, when Greeks from the Caria region of modern Turkey founded the city of Panticapaeum. Here you can trace the history and development of the entire Crimean peninsula.
Kerch Airport is an airport in Kerch, Russia. The airport is located 1.5 km northwest of the city. Airline flights to/from airport ceased operations approximately in 2008. There were approximately 8-10 flights per day, both Domestic and International. In 2005–2006, the airport tried to resume flights to Kyiv and Moscow using Motor Sich Airlines, but expenses were high and profit was too low, which made flying unprofitable
Airport is still in service, and is used by general aviation today.

!Inside the archive are files for adaptation to XP11

MisterX 2.0​ex.php?/files/file/28167-miste​rx-library-and-static-aircraft​-extension
→ Size: 301 MB
→ Date: 1 year ago (15.04.2023 06:59)
→ Author: avibix
→ Uploaded by: avibix (uploaded 5 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Ляпучка
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 116 time(s)

Аэропорт Буде (норвежский: Bodø lufthavn; IATA: BOO, ICAO: ENBO) - гражданский аэропорт в городе Буде в муниципалитете Буде в графстве Нордланд, Норвегия. Расположенный к югу от центра города, на самой западной оконечности полуострова Буде, он имеет общие помещения с военно-воздушной базой Буде Main Air Station. Аэропорт имеет единственную бетонную взлетно–посадочную полосу размером 2794 на 45 метров (9167 на 148 футов), которая проходит примерно в направлении восток-запад. Помимо авиасообщения по основным внутренним направлениям, аэропорт служит узловым пунктом для региональных рейсов авиакомпаний в Хельгеланд, Лофотен и Вестеролен.
→ Size: 155 KB
→ Date: 2 years ago (13.11.2022 22:46)
→ Author: Игорь Пашкун
→ Uploaded by: igor21823 (uploaded 30 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Ляпучка
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 23 time(s)

XIAB- заброшенный военный аэродром 2-го класса, расположенный на северо-восточной окраине села Бада, Забайкальский край.
Использованы строго стандартные библиотеки.
→ Size: 52 MB
→ Date: 3 years ago (07.08.2021 20:50)
→ Author: Евг20
→ Uploaded by: Евг20 (uploaded 5 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Ляпучка
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 126 time(s)

Легкий сценарий аэропорта Мезень Архангельской области,правда здание вокзала не очень получилось,но вроде бы похоже.Библиотеки нужны-Ruscenery,OpenScenery,CDB_Library,The_Handy_Objects_Library
→ Size: 44 MB
→ Date: 3 years ago (28.01.2021 13:55)
→ Author: ALEX-X-PLANE9
→ Uploaded by: ALEX-X-PLANE9 (uploaded 6 files )
→ Approved by moderator: SLAVJAN
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 116 time(s)

Добавил сценарий
→ Size: 62 MB
→ Date: 3 years ago (27.12.2020 16:59)
→ Author: ALEX-X-PLANE9
→ Uploaded by: ALEX-X-PLANE9 (uploaded 6 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Lenya69
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 155 time(s)

Аэропорт Соловки до реконструкции.За основу взял ULAS_Scenery_Pack от,добавил пародию на Соловецкий кремль и жилые помещения на острове,может и не получилось,но думаю,что это лучше чем дефолтный сценарий.Нужны библиотеки-ruscenery,openscenery,handyobjects,CDB_Library,GT_Library,Orbx_OrbxlibsXP,Naps_Library,JB_Library,Cemetery,3D_PEOPLE_Library
→ Size: 12 KB
→ Date: 3 years ago (27.12.2020 16:59)
→ Author: ALEX-X-PLANE9
→ Uploaded by: ALEX-X-PLANE9 (uploaded 6 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Lenya69
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 132 time(s)

Аэропорт Паланга 1985 года.
Обсуждение здесь​ic/187171-аэропорты-ссср/
→ Size: 102 MB
→ Date: 3 years ago (08.12.2020 18:36)
→ Uploaded by: approved (uploaded 21 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Valerapol
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
→ Downloaded: 125 time(s)

Аэропорт Вильнюс 1976 года.
Обсуждение в моей теме.​ic/187171-аэропорты-ссср/
→ Size: 149 MB
→ Date: 3 years ago (07.12.2020 18:54)
→ Uploaded by: approved (uploaded 21 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Ramirezzz_x
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
→ Downloaded: 99 time(s)

Добавил освещение на перроны 2 и 3,военных,изменил и добавил дома,ангары.Новые текстуры впп.
→ Size: 17 MB
→ Date: 4 years ago (20.11.2020 12:15)
→ Author: ALEX-X-PLANE9
→ Uploaded by: ALEX-X-PLANE9 (uploaded 6 files )
→ Approved by moderator: SLAVJAN
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 114 time(s)

Хочу предложить вам сценарий аэропорта Томск, обновлённый мною! Сам я живу в Томске, а летать в родной аэропорт, который в симуляторе 2014 года - не ахти! Решил переделать, вот что вышло и что было исправлено [LOG]: 1. Сегмент рулежки от D до E состоит из бетона, и закрыта для руления.
2. Убран старый КДП. (сгорел в 2016 году)
3. Убран статический трафик, который не летает в Томск.
4. Изменена привокзальная площадь на актуальную по сей день.
5. На въезд в привокзальную площадь установлены импровизированные автоматы платной парковки.
6. Добавлены стоянки на основном перроне.
7. Изменена постановка ВС на стоянки на актуальное постановление.
8. Изменена зона аэропорта.
9. В левом углу аэровокзала, установлен забор, а не бетонная стена.
10. Убраны лишние объекты, которые висят в воздухе
11. На заходе ВПП21, на споттерском месте поставлен человек с машиной.
12. На привокзальной площади добавлена дорога.
13. Дорога из аэропорта продлена.
14. Около отеля добавлен памятник Ан-24, установленный 15 октября 2020 года.
15. На привокзальную площадь добавлен актуальный трафик
16. Убраны лишние статические объекты в стороне ангаров.
17. Множество надписей Yandex на подложке убраны.
Не забывайте уютный аэропорт UNTT
→ Size: 219 MB
→ Date: 4 years ago (14.11.2020 18:54)
→ Author: Вайсман Семён, NotThatPilot
→ Uploaded by: Traidins (uploaded 2 files )
→ Approved by moderator: SLAVJAN
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 190 time(s)

Аэропорт расположен в 12 км от Архангельска,рядом с поселком Васьково.Являлся аэродромом совместного базирования,может использоваться военной авиацией.Аэропорт принимает Ан-2,Ан-12,Ан-24,Ан-26,Л-410,Як-40,вертолеты всех типов.Нужны библиотеки:Ruscenery,handyobjects,misterX,СDB_Library,rescueX,Orbx_OrbxLibXP
→ Size: 14 MB
→ Date: 4 years ago (11.11.2020 12:28)
→ Author: ALEX-X-PLANE9
→ Uploaded by: ALEX-X-PLANE9 (uploaded 6 files )
→ Approved by moderator: Lenya69
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 95 time(s)