I present to you the international airport "Issyk-Kul" / Tamchi (UCFL). This is a beta version contains Ground polygon, afkad and terminal. For the creation of airport express gratitude to Mikha21RUS!
It is recommended to install "Mesh Kyrgyzstan" by Alexander Justus:
→ Size: 163 MB
→ Date: 8 years ago (17.08.2016 11:40)
→ Author:
→ Uploaded by: Djacoby737 (uploaded 85 files )
→ Approved by moderator: SLAVJAN
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 2739 time(s)
Cпасибо! demirkanat, 4 years ago, #
как установить? папок уйма. disp_uzb, 7 years ago, #
Подключать папки соблюдая нумерацию. Djacoby737, 7 years ago, #
В АЫЧ работает? aers, 8 years ago, #
Не пробовал. Djacoby737, 7 years ago, #
Спасибо! AM154, 8 years ago, #
Очень не плохо. PUPSIK, 8 years ago, #
Спасибо! Tommy, 8 years ago, #