The scenario Saratov Airport (UWSS) + AFCAD. Has written a very long time, but because develop the project does not have time, do not spread in the network. Wait, who can do better. However, there is no good UWSS in the network. So, this a scenario that spread only to diversity, and for those who want to see our airport so how it is. Naturally, frequency, coordinates, visualization, realistic at the moment when all this delalalos:).
→ Size: 2 MB
→ Date: 17 years ago (15.09.2007 01:18)
→ Author: Дубик Эдуард
→ Uploaded by: scout (uploaded 1 files )
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 2906 time(s)
Author fellow, and before you shout about that scene gavno ... read RIDMI ... tamzhe says that the scene is improving, so to speak predrelizny option for impatient)))) Гойман Сергей, 17 years ago, #
NDA, the script say so myself ... after all, it was necessary to do everything until the end ... Koryavenkie texture, krivenky afkad ... For the work at all 4. But will refrain from an overall evaluation - perhaps the author has completed the script and it will be possible to put 5. But so far left the default unfortunately ... Skydiver74, 17 years ago, #
5! Carim, 17 years ago, #
Finally it came and Saratov! thanks vavan, 17 years ago, #
Well, finally at least someone did! rus_den, 17 years ago, #
I tozh not found. Partizan-cs, 17 years ago, #
Th I AFKAD (AF2_. ..) file not found GRAFF, 17 years ago, #
Though it is certainly better than nothing, but the script vsetaki terrible. Kreshi in the area of buildings, statics, and the sloppy texture. Ra_, 17 years ago, #