Changing elements airfield marking URRR /Rostov-na-Donu/
→ Size: 19 MB
→ Date: 13 years ago (06.02.2011 05:24)
→ Uploaded by: papa_pra (uploaded 8 files )
→ Approved by moderator: isc
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 8352 time(s)
Thank you! UHMA, 13 years ago, #
Thank you! In the old stage I, too, traffic on the ground rolled mertre OLEG75, 13 years ago, #
On May the year! How long have I tried to make the correct layout helper methods, so desperate to do and did and here you! Thank you !!!!!! Mihail Stepanov, 13 years ago, #
Есть проблема. Никто не сталкивался с отсутствием огней PAPI? Их не видно ни днем, ни ночью. У самих ламп (если подойти к ним близко) есть бело-красные текстурки, но издалека это дело совершенно не видно. Как быть в таком случае? Глеб, 9 years ago, #
У меня тоже нет...Ростов как был сырой в плане доработок, так и остался alshimov, 9 years ago, #
Печаль. А сцена шикарная, хотя и пришлось высоту править, чтоб трафик не зависал. Глеб, 9 years ago, #
Огни PAPI это не главная проблема. Вот неправильная частота ILS в этом сценарии это проблема. В этом сценарии частота ILS старая видно. Андрей321, 9 years ago, #
Thanks! took ... Zorgair, 13 years ago, #
Thank you! Мимори, 13 years ago, #
Tell me why my old stage traffic parked at a meter in the air hung? Lion777, 13 years ago, #
Thank you! vypera, 13 years ago, #
Competition! kizkoip, 13 years ago, #
The authors thank stseny.Kachestvenny scenario of such a class. To the level of high-scenes nearest neighbor to the south, a.dr. URKK, this scene a.dr. URRR need to bring. So my choice airfield KPM between ADRs and URRR URKK, for flights to the south of the country scene a.dr. URKK (from HAMELION);) ur46393, 13 years ago, #
That's great thanks for it! Dryxa, 13 years ago, #
Thank you. штурмовик, 13 years ago, #
But the previous should be removed? IgorStr, 13 years ago, #
Nothing to delete is not necessary, it is a basic scenario of Rostov-on-Don, in the file name says "Edit Items airfield markings (please read carefully). Scenario sin no nighttime illumination of taxiways and runways, taxi at night is not really it was now possible. Inside the pack is a file Readme, where every detail is painted. papa_pra, 13 years ago, #
... And one more:) NStK, 13 years ago, #
In fact every now and then - apparently - a very good job - but I would like to poinformativney screens - and then the winter (in Rostov is somehow not important) - and night - like a good idea - but it is difficult to compare with the old from the screen - because the old script was IMHO is very good - change in the pig in a poke do not want - in any case, thanks to the authors - in the predominantly northern States - South West deserves a different version, let them be bigger and better. Thank you. zh03, 13 years ago, #
We are now in Rostov snow ... all white, so that winter is very much so. NStK, 13 years ago, #
I'm in Kherson of Third day was the snow - rasstayal - showmanship to show rather than just one place, sorry ... zh03, 13 years ago, #
And for the work - thanks anyway - checked - good. zh03, 13 years ago, #
something that would show the show - read the description. And of course 5! IvanGres, 13 years ago, #
Mololdtsy, of course, that bothered. But here "realizmu" that is just reduced. Immediately everything became what it smartly, cheap popular, unnatural. Returned as it was. But for work, of course 5. GORYNYCH, 13 years ago, #
Thank you! Sem63, 13 years ago, #
Thank you! Ил-86110, 13 years ago, #
That's thanks! At night, the markup does not see it. Now we establish the protests. BUNIN, 13 years ago, #