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Aerodrom "Shagol. Chelyabinsk VVAUSH. The main airport of the last scientists of SCO.
→ Size: 13 MB
→ Date: 17 years ago (25.10.2007 01:42)
→ Author:
→ Uploaded by: 71772 (uploaded 5 files )
→ License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited Distribution
→ Downloaded: 4510 time(s)
Часть объектов в воздухе… Sim_Volshebnikov, 3 years ago, #
удаленный комментарий
Я в восторге! Сам живу в Шагле, каждый раз прохожу мимо училища, каждый год хожу на день авиации, что проводится у нас же в Шагле, не смог не скачать данный сценарий. Могу сказать, что очень похоже! Пролётному над городком, долетел до Баландино на ТУ-134. В общем, впечатлений - море. Советую к скачиванию. ~Anonymous~, 4 years ago, #
Спасибо! Все работает! Поделитесь схемами аэродрома, у кого есть KC-9, 8 years ago, #
молодци ребята Призрак, 11 years ago, #
I do not have the mesh, I have no other, earlier versions. But the airport itself, and all the bells and whistles to it in the air. For the first time a saw! Here's how to fly here? grey727, 13 years ago, #
Figured out at last! 71 772-thank you for your script! grey727, 13 years ago, #
Кто подскажет все таки как решить проблему висящих домов в Шагле? nikola1982, 12 years ago, #
Убрал галочку на Глобал-Азия и всё встало висящее на свои места MATADOR, 11 years ago, #
MATADOR а где эта галочка стоит и где её убрать чтобы сценарий нормально установился? xelamuz, 10 years ago, #
People where to get the mesh of the Ural Mountains? CJ_01071, 14 years ago, #
Look here mesh Urals paavo, 14 years ago, #
Excellent! Virpilot, 14 years ago, #
It is high time it was put 5! Ту154М 85123, 15 years ago, #
Tested this product for FSX, objects hanging in the air, and the band, and the parking rulezhki grass seedlings. Very sorry, I do hope that the tens tozhebudet all OK. From the air kind of potryasny. Great, and the presence of 712 ARZ. People do the same scenes for MSFSX! ko4eBNik, 15 years ago, #
Done, but at a later date. Comes SHAGOL-2009 paavo, 15 years ago, #
my ass feels that it would be the same story as with noodle ... :) Ту154М 85123, 15 years ago, #
And ten little! Only one question ... Combining with the ultimate asia .... All the lights just hang in the air. nso64, 16 years ago, #
Passed Tu134, 16 years ago, #
Excellent! Is a pleasure to fly! YoGUN, 16 years ago, #
Try afkade poshurovat. There is a special feature in the direction of the circle to each end of runway. ru_19_300, 16 years ago, #
Excellent! Traffic I just fly right circle, who knows how to fix it? КурсМП, 16 years ago, #
Just fix this by using FSSC.Stsena Okay, now, even with meshem. sunug, 16 years ago, #
For work thanks! But the tar-spoon - I should mesh the Urals, and everything hangs in the air. I do not want to remove, because more plausible landscape has not yet been found for the Urals. But plainly flying from this airport would have liked. So the question - who can tell how moget be something? peron4, 16 years ago, #
Scenario class. I can not just take the sense of: Shagol and the tank is the same thing? Judging by the location on a map sima get so ... disp-nrsk, 17 years ago, #
Everything works fine, the Ural mountains stand nowhere nowhere hangs head so boldly! Well done! Васин В.С., 17 years ago, #
Definitely off! Even where there is a fly in Koltsovo:) mesh-Ural is no one in the air does not hang:) Doomin, 17 years ago, #
Definitely five. Especially rulezhka and runways. Well done. If you allow a couple of small zatsepok. The trees have no leaves dropped. CPR is spinning counter-clockwise:), but on a hill just bulk RSBN should be, can P-37? Kostas68, 17 years ago, #
Krasavtsi guys! Saprosha, 17 years ago, #
Great! ILAVIA, 17 years ago, #
This is super! Thank you very much! grief, 17 years ago, #
Excellent done, with a soul! Elsa, 17 years ago, #
ILUHA! Passed! At last! Joy! Everyone who downloads infa from the creator: if you have a mesh "Urals" - demolition or Shagol povisnet in the air! Other bugs not noticed! RAID, 17 years ago, #
Ah, thank you! Chelyabu-Shagol zaimeli. Well done! Sima, 17 years ago, #
Well done! 71772 PAAVO, 17 years ago, #
все висит в воздухе уже зююебало POIUY9, 8 years ago, #
у тебя просто руки из жопы и мозги там-же, ниже комментарии почитай кран lockon, 8 years ago, #
это у тебя руки и мозги и все остальное из ЖОПЫ POIUY9, 8 years ago, #